I can create a cohesive and attractive image of your brand to help it stand out and inspire confidence. An impactful logo, a well thought out graphic charter, eye-catching visuals and a website are the key to growing your business.
I’m a rock climber and a climbing guide who loves to share his sport with others. I travelled a lot and discovered many countries, cultures and people. That’s why I decided to learn how to capture these moments and bought my first camera.
In photography, I have preferences for landscapes, nature, black and white and travel memories. I enjoy going out in the wild, find the best and magic places and capture the sceneries that nature offers. I’m intimately convinced that technique, creativity and passion are the key to successful and captivating photos. Printing and holding the paper is also important to keep it real and not an Instagram fantasy :p
I started editing my photos and, over the years, with practice, I gained experience and diversified into Graphic Design.
Gradually, word of mouth led me to create visuals and websites for various exciting projects.
Then, feeling the opportunity to make a living out of this activity, I followed additional courses to complete my training. I learned a lot and had the chance to meet extraordinary persons who reviewed my work and gave me tips to improve myself. Nowadays, I earn a living out of these three activities mixed together and offer new and professional creations tailored to the needs of my clients.
I’ve been lucky enough to establish relationships and work with amazing clients, ranging from individual clients, through startups, to bigger companies from various sectors.
Feel free to reach out to me anytime by email or by phone during work hours (GMT+1).
E: contact@elicla.be
P: +32(0)498137852